Lighthouse  Congreagation

First United Methodist Church of Cocoa Beach is a Lighthouse Congregation in our district.  Lighthouse Congregations are a resource developed by the UMsConnected movement. They are local churches in the Florida Annual Conference that welcome anyone whose church has closed or disaffiliated, but who are unable to transfer their membership to a nearby local church. We are the first Lighthouse Church in the Atlantic Central District, and we hope others will be added in the near future.  If you are interested in connecting with us, we are happy to:

(1) Process your transfer of membership and receive you into our fellowship
(2) Provide you with personal attention and care
(3) Offer you online ministry opportunities (e.g., online worship and small groups)
(4) Help you create a new format for meeting with other United Methodists in your area.

For more information, please contact us.